To start off I use plaster cloth from Michaels craft store. you can get two different sizes but either one works . if you don't have a Michaels in your area try your local craft store or you could order it online.
I also had gone to my local thrift store around Halloween and loaded up on foam heads (lol) they are cheap and perfect to use to make your mask mold.
To start I had cut one of my foam heads in half, as they lay nicely on the table. I then use plastic wrap to cover the head as its easier to remove the plaster cloth when it starts to dry.
Note that the plaster cloth says it takes 20 mins to dry, but I found it takes a bit longer. I will normally leave them to dry for a few hours or make a few molds and leave them over night.
the cloth will come in a long roll so I cut mine in 5-6 strips and then place them covering from the nose to top of head.
Once dry I then trace out the design I want with a sharp pencil, then use scissors to cut out the face shape and an Xacto knife to cut out the eyes. Here she is :)
from here i had bought this nifty tissue paper that comes in the same style box as plastic wrap. it is a vintage looking style tissue paper and i just love it.
To adhere it to the mask i had used a spray adhesive. I bought Elmer's glue and it works well (have a good spray area as it may get everywhere lol)
i had also bought a vintage yellow/gold stamp to color the tissue paper, to give that extra old look. but heck if i can find it to take a picture haha. All the supplies so far have been purchased at Michaels craft store. basically after putting on the tissue paper i went over it a few times with the stamp then taking a make-up sponge gently rub it in to give it a smoother look. i did however notice that the tissue paper already has an aged look to it but i still chose to do this step.
here she is with the paper :) as you can see in the back ground is my plastic wrapped foam head. my oldest daughter thought she needed make-up lol. Now we go to the decorating, i have two fishing tackles filled with necklace's, lace, gems etc thanks to my wonderful momma filling my crafting itch :) I took an old black beaded necklace and used the smaller beads for the boarder and around the eyes i used little gold beads and hot glued all of them on. I then used large feathers that already had a center piece in it, which worked out great!.
And finally the finished product. I should mention again this is my first mask I have made, I am super proud of it and have two more I have done, and working on a really extravagant one right now. However i don't own a camera, so I do apologize for the craft table pictures lol. The more I do my post and tutorials I will try ever so hardly to have the mask in a nice back ground :)
take care and happy crafting!!
Looks good :)